This is My Job - Timber Industry

HVP Plantations


One of Australia’s largest private timber plantation companies. HVP Plantations estate is situated across areas of southern Victoria, extending from Gippsland in the east to the border with South Australia in the west and large plantations in the north east of the state. The total area of land managed by HVP equates to over 240,000 ha. About 165,000ha of this land is pine and eucalypt plantation.

We visited the Gelliondale Nursery in Gippsland’s Wellington Shire and got some great insights into the variety of roles at this busy operation.

Take a journey into the jobs in the timber industry at HVP Plantations.

Consider a Career in the Timber Industry
Nathan - Plantation Nursery Manager


Seed Orchard Technician

Timber Plantation Nursery Worker

Plantation Crew

Irrigation Specialist

Nursery Worker