Flavorite share their story with ABC TV’s Landline program

Imagine growing sweet tomatoes on the vine almost all year round - and producing an incredible 80 kilograms of fruit per square metre.

Since beginning their quest to produce a tastier tomato, Food & Fibre Gippsland member Flavorite have established a name in sustainable hydroponic food production.

Their Warragul facility is now the largest glasshouse operation in Australia.

Since 2003, the production footprint has expanded from four hectares of experimental plastic greenhouses, to 65 hectares under glass, across four Victorian sites.

Flavorite is a proud family business, driven by a passion to be innovative and customer-focused. They have previously partnered with Food & Fibre Gippsland to access the Jobs Victoria Employment Service (JVES), for the purpose of connecting with local jobseekers who are work-ready.

ABC TV’s Landline team caught up with Flavorite recently, to hear about the efficiency of their operation, future plans for expansion, and how they have diversified over time to meet consumer demand. Read the ABC Landline story here.


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